Staffing Shortages impacting Burleigh and Morton County
27 Oct 2022
BISMARCK, N.D. (KFYR) - Job Service North Dakota had 3,317 job openings in Burleigh and Morton County in September. The agency says North Dakota’s unemployment rate is lower than the national average.
The Kirkwood Mall is full of businesses looking to hire more employees. Tammy Wahl, the owner of Uptown Loft Boutique, has had more trouble than usual hiring workers this year.
“I would just say a little shortage of employees working on longer shifts. We just have more employees working shorter shifts, but it’s been a struggle since last year and the year before,” said Wahl.
There is still a large worker shortage, with more than 1,084 residents in Burleigh and Morton County unemployed in September. Amy Arenz, a workforce manager at Job Service, says there are many reasons for the shortage.
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