Progress is happening in Beulah - be a part of it today!
Economic activity is thriving in Beulah. Beulah’s advantages offer interested investors big and small business opportunities regardless of the project scope. Beulah’s historical basis in energy provides possibilities for new technology, like gasification and data center projects. Learn more today about the projects currently underway or recently completed. No matter the size, there is a place for you here!
Energy Production
Bakken Energy and Mitsubishi Power plan to redevelop Beulah’s Great Plains Synfuels Plant into the largest clean hydrogen production facility in the U.S. The Great Plains Hydrogen Hub is expected to be commercially operational in early 2027 with a gross production capacity of 348,000 metric tons/year of clean hydrogen and the country’s lowest-cost production.
North Dakota Proppant opened a sand mine in Hazen in 2022 to supply nearby sand frac operations.
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