Residents Enjoy Safe Living in Beulah!
3 Jan 2023
Beulah, ND, provides a safe living environment for all residents who choose to live here! Our family-friendly city has been ranked the #2 Safest City in North Dakota in 2022, based on the FBI’s crime statistics. Residents of Beulah can rest assured that our city’s community is a place where they can feel safe and secure!
Beulah Ranks as the #2 Safest City in North Dakota
Our very low crime rates, alongside our exceptional schools, healthcare, and business culture, make Beulah a delightful place for people to live and work! Beulah’s diligent police department, fire department, and Mercer County’s ambulance service are all here to help keep the city’s residents safe. Click here to learn more about safe living in Beulah today!
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