Economic Progress is Happening in Beulah!

7 Feb 2023


Local Businesses are benefiting from Beulah’s economic development efforts! Businesses that choose to locate in Beulah, ND, benefit from our regional and local resources, which make it easier for local economic success. Alongside a knowledgeable workforce and ideal sites and properties, this makes Beulah an ideal place for businesses in every industry to thrive!

Economic Development Success in Beulah, ND!

The Energy Industry is one of Beulah’s top industries. In fact, Beulah is often referred to as the “Energy Capital of North Dakota” and is home to the largest Lignite mine, “The Freedom Mine,” in the entire United States! One major project currently underway is headed by Bakken Energy and Mitsubishi Power. Which involves the development of a new clean hydrogen production facility. Click here to learn more about all of the exciting new developments happening in Beulah!