North Dakota partners with All Kids Bike to provide Learn-to-Ride program for kindergarten students

North Dakota partners with All Kids Bike to provide Learn-to-Ride program for kindergarten students Main Photo

17 Jan 2024


Gov. Doug Burgum today announced that 299 public and non-public elementary schools in North Dakota will have the opportunity to receive the All Kids Bike Learn-to-Ride Kindergarten PE (Physical Education) Program, giving a projected 9,000 students the opportunity to learn to ride a bicycle in the 2023-24 school year alone. The goal is to gain private sector partners to ensure every kindergarten class in the state has access to this exciting program, making North Dakota the first state to provide statewide programming.

All Kids Bike, a nonprofit organization equipping schools with everything needed to teach children to ride a bike, was awarded a $1,568,000 grant from the Governor’s Emergency Education Relief (GEER) Fund to bring its Learn-to-Ride PE Program to elementary schools throughout the state. Additionally, the Governor’s office is working to secure additional funding needed to ensure the program is available to kindergarteners statewide.

Read the full article here.